Chef Andy Dipace had been dreaming of WonderLust for years. In trying to put into words the perfect encapsulation of the experience of food... he'd found his answer in Wonder : a feeling of surprise mingled with admiration, caused by something beautiful, unexpected, unfamiliar, or inexplicable and Lust : an intense desire or craving for something. He'd been dreaming of this name and this business, a private catering company where he could play experiment and make food in surprising and fresh ways... and he'd never moved forward. Why? Because this felt too important to rush.
Chef Andy isn't someone who stumbles into a next chapter, he is a deep thinker who cares for and considers every detail. On our calls, he took me on a tour of his art collection, pieces made by friends he loved and carried with him throughout life's twists and turns, framed with care and intention. The boards he serves his food on are handmade and every sensation in the experience of tasting is deliberate.
What you'll see, below, is a step on Andy's path in building his brand. There's more to be learned, more to be experienced and considered, but this was an important step toward turning that dream into a reality.